OpenMind Resilience, Equanimity and Mindfulness (REMIND) Practices
Life is extraordinary, and yet it can bring struggle, difficulty and uncertainty.
Shunryu Suzuki Roshi said, “Life is like stepping into a boat that is about to sail out to sea and sink.” We know we are on a sinking ship, and that our life has a time limit, but we set sail anyway. This takes such courage and strength, and yet we do it, day after day.
We navigate our sinking ships by engaging in all the tasks needed to care for it, by enjoying the incredible scenery, relaxing over calm waters, holding the course through storms, making plans for new destinations, changing course when needed, and by recruiting a strong crew to help us, especially when the ship begins to form new leaks or needs special repair.
The inevitable storms that life brings can cause pain and stress but they do not have to include suffering, and they often result in growth and learning.
This 3 hour self-paced course will teach you seven different evidence-based mindfulness practices designed to help you to cope with pain, stress and difficult emotions by building resilience and cultivating kindness, acceptance, openminded presence, joy, a sense of being grounded, peace, and gratitude.
This course will give you background and practical instructions for using these practices in your daily life, and will also introduce the SOS method for working through emotional distress.
Having lived with chronic pain due to injury, an autoimmune condition, and P.O.T.S., I created this course to help others who are experiencing life’s challenges, which may include chronic pain, anxiety, depression, attention and focus difficulties, chronic disease, loss, stress, and/or who want to improve overall wellbeing.
The 5 P Process: Transforming How We View and Respond to “Challenging Behaviors”
“Challenging behaviors” are not simply problems to be managed and extinguished, but are signals from a child that indicate a need for social emotional skill development, patient and supportive nurturing, connection, felt safety, and teaching. When children receive punishment or time outs as consequences for these non-functional coping responses, they are only told what not to do, instead of what to do. In addition, punishments and time outs often lead to experiences of isolation and disconnection, deprivation, shame, anger, sadness and embarrassment.
The 5P Process is a framework for helping a child who is exhibiting non-functional coping strategies, distress and/or big emotional outbursts. When children engage in acts of aggression, destruction, disruption, or dangerous behaviors such as running away or harming themselves, it can be overwhelming, as our job as adults is to protect the children in our care, and to keep them safe and engaged. It can be easy to react strongly when a child has acted in an explosive or concerning way, and it may be difficult to know exactly what to do in the moment, especially if our own emotions have been triggered by the situation.
The 5P framework was created for just these moments; it is structured to offer a consistent step-wise process to help you to support children of all ages who are struggling with non-functional coping responses that result in suffering, harm, or disruption to self, others, and/or the environment.
The steps of the 5P process are
1. Protect, be Present, Prepare
2. Process Emotions
3. Problem-solve
4. Prosocial Practice
5. Praise Efforts and Engagement
The 5P process can not only help guide you and the child through the tough times as they are happening, but also assist you in developing a plan to support the child to learn and build new skills to help them to address the underlying factors to help them be able to use more functional coping and problem-solving responses in the future. The three hour self-paced course will offer you strategies for each of the 5 steps as well as a downloadable packet of visual resources.
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